Amputee Athletics
There are some Journals that offer free public access. In that case we have conveniently placed the entire article below. In most cases, a journal carries a subscription, and access is limited through purchase. Our researchers have access to those journals and have summarized them with an easy to read title, author list, abstract, and in some cases pertinent figures, charts, tables, or graphs. We have selected articles that are either prominent in the OP field or in the news. We have also included articles that contains outcome research that is, or can be OP policy changing. This should assist you and your staff in providing evidence to your physicians, therapists, and insurance companies as to the efficacy of a certain OP components, devices, or procedures. We will be continually adding content to the Research Center, so check back often.
Amputation Surgery Literature Summary.pdf | DOWNLOAD | VIEW | |
Biomechanics of Cycling w TTA, Recommendations for Prosthetic Design.pdf | DOWNLOAD | VIEW | |
Bragaru, 2011, SportsMed, Amputees sports, SR-1pg_summary.pdf | DOWNLOAD | VIEW | |
The Fastest Runner on Artificial Legs- Pistorious .pdf | DOWNLOAD | VIEW | |
Recreational Activities of Lower Extremity Amps_ JRRD.pdf | DOWNLOAD | VIEW | |
Running-Specific Prostheses Permit Energy Cost Similar to Non-amputees.pdf | DOWNLOAD | VIEW |